Drug-Free Workplace Compliance

This playbook outlines the steps an employer should take to establish and uphold a drug-free workplace program compliant with both federal and state regulations.

Step 1: Understand Laws

Research and understand the relevant federal and state laws regarding drug-free workplaces, including the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 if you are a federal contractor or grantee. Ensure familiarity with the specific requirements that apply to your business size and industry.

Step 2: Draft Policy

Develop a written drug-free workplace policy that clearly articulates company expectations, rules regarding substance abuse, and the consequences of policy violations. The policy should also outline the process for handling violations and include information on support options available to employees.

Step 3: Communicate Policy

Distribute the policy to all employees and ensure that they acknowledge it in writing. The communication strategy can include staff meetings, policy manuals, and new employee orientation sessions.

Step 4: Train Employees

Provide regular training sessions to employees to educate them about the dangers of drug abuse, your workplace policy and their rights and responsibilities. Training should also cover how to detect substance abuse and what steps to take when they suspect it.

Step 5: Implement Testing

If applicable, establish a drug-testing program. Determine what types of tests you will perform (pre-employment, random, for-cause) and how they will be carried out in compliance with laws and privacy rights.

Step 6: Plan Assistance

Design support mechanisms such as an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees struggling with drug use, which can include counseling, referrals, and treatment options.

Step 7: Monitor & Enforce

Regularly monitor your workplace to ensure compliance with the drug-free policy and conduct investigations as needed. Enforce the policy consistently and fairly when violations occur.

Step 8: Review & Update

Periodically review and update your drug-free workplace policy to ensure it remains effective and compliant with current laws and best practices.

General Notes

Legal Consultation

Consider consulting with legal professionals knowledgeable in employment law to ensure full compliance and to minimize liability.


Maintain the confidentiality of any substance abuse reports and medical-related information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.