Digital Media Accessibility Compliance

This playbook outlines the sequential steps to ensure that digital media, including websites and mobile apps, adhere to international accessibility standards. The goal is to make digital content usable by people of all abilities.

Step 1: Research

Familiarize with the international accessibility standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Identify the current standards and legal requirements for the digital media being evaluated.

Step 2: Assessment

Evaluate the current state of the digital media's accessibility. This can include an audit of website content, mobile apps functionality, and any digital documents for compliance with the identified standards.

Step 3: Plan

Develop an accessibility plan that addresses the deficiencies found in the assessment phase. Prioritize the tasks based on impact and difficulty of implementation.

Step 4: Implement

Execute the plan by incorporating accessibility features into the digital media. This can include coding changes, content alterations, and design modifications.

Step 5: Train

Educate your team on accessibility principles and the importance of adhering to standards. Ensure content creators, web developers, and designers understand how to maintain compliance.

Step 6: Monitor

Establish ongoing monitoring mechanisms to ensure continued compliance with accessibility standards. Regularly check for updates to standards and adjust your practices as necessary.

Step 7: Report

Document your compliance and any ongoing efforts to maintain accessibility. Reporting may be required by law or beneficial for transparency with users and stakeholders.

General Notes

Legal Considerations

Keep abreast of the legal landscape as it pertains to accessibility to avoid potential litigation and ensure your digital media is in compliance with all relevant laws.

User Testing

Include people with disabilities in the testing phase to get real-world feedback on the accessibility of your digital media.