Anti-Bribery Compliance Program

This playbook outlines the process for setting up and enacting a compliance program aimed at preventing bribery and corruption within an organization. It details the sequential steps necessary to establish policies, procedures, and systems to detect and deter corrupt practices.

Step 1: Assess Risks

Conduct a thorough risk assessment of the organization to identify and evaluate areas susceptible to bribery and corruption. Understand the legal environment, business operations, and associated risks. This will inform the design of the compliance program.

Step 2: Define Policy

Develop a clear anti-bribery and corruption policy. The policy should define unacceptable behaviors, articulate organizational values, and establish a code of conduct. It must also comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or UK Bribery Act.

Step 3: Develop Procedures

Create detailed procedures to support the anti-bribery policy. This may include due diligence processes, financial controls, and reporting procedures. The procedures should outline steps for employees to follow to comply with the policy.

Step 4: Train Employees

Implement a training program to educate employees about the anti-bribery policy, their responsibilities, and how to recognize and respond to bribery and corruption. Training should be regular and tailored to different roles and risks.

Step 5: Communicate Externally

Inform external partners, suppliers, and customers about the organization's anti-bribery stance. Contracts and agreements should include anti-bribery clauses to establish expectations and create a culture of compliance beyond the organization.

Step 6: Monitor Compliance

Develop monitoring systems to ensure ongoing adherence to the anti-bribery policy. This could include audits, internal reporting mechanisms, and regular reviews of the compliance program. Adjustments should be made as necessary to address any deficiencies or changes in risk.

Step 7: Enforce Violations

Establish disciplinary measures for policy violations. The enforcement must be consistent and firm to deter bribery and corruption. Investigations should be thorough, with appropriate consequences for those found in violation of the compliance program.

Step 8: Review Program

Regularly review and update the compliance program. The business environment and associated risks can change, so it is important that the program evolves. This step includes reassessing risks, adjusting policies and procedures, and updating training materials.

General Notes

Legal Compliance

Ensure the program is in line with all applicable local, national, and international anti-bribery and corruption laws.

Leadership Support

Garner support from organizational leadership to ensure sufficient resources and a culture of compliance starting at the top.

Continuous Improvement

View the compliance program as a dynamic system that requires continuous assessment and improvement to remain effective.