The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is a method used to learn complex subjects by simplifying concepts and teaching them in simple terms. This approach emphasizes understanding over memorization and employs a four-step process to facilitate deep learning.

Step 1: Choose Concept

Identify the concept or topic that you want to understand and learn more about. Write down everything you know about the subject, however broad or incomplete your knowledge might be.

Step 2: Teach It

Pretend that you are teaching the concept to someone else, such as a classroom or an individual who does not have any prior knowledge of the topic. Explain the topic in your own words, as simply as you can.

Step 3: Review

After teaching, go back and identify areas of your explanation that were lacking. These are the points where you have gaps in your understanding. Study those areas more deeply and try to fill in the gaps of your knowledge.

Step 4: Simplify & Analogize

Refine and simplify your explanation even further. Use analogies and simple language to convey the concept's essence. This step ensures that your understanding is not only thorough but also transferable in the simplest form possible.

General Notes

Study Tips

Study in a distraction-free environment and take regular breaks. Engage in active learning by asking questions and making connections to what you already know.


Seek feedback on your explanations from people who are knowledgeable on the topic. This will help you identify inaccuracies or complexities that can be simplified further.