Navigating Organizational Change

This playbook outlines the sequential steps for effectively navigating organizational change. It covers communication strategies, approaches for aiding adaptation, and techniques for managing resistance.

Step 1: Prepare

Understand the drivers of change and define clear goals. Identify stakeholders and anticipate the impacts of change on various groups within the organization.

Step 2: Plan

Develop a detailed change management plan. This should include communication strategies, timelines, resources needed, and the roles of individuals in the change process.

Step 3: Communicate

Convey the change to the organization articulately and empathetically. Ensure transparency about the reasons for change, benefits, and the expected impacts. Use multiple channels to reach all levels of the organization.

Step 4: Support

Provide resources and support structures to help team members adapt to change. This might include training sessions, counseling, and open forums for feedback.

Step 5: Implement

Carry out the change in phases or all at once depending on the strategy. Monitor progress and remain flexible to adjustments.

Step 6: Manage Resistance

Identify areas of resistance and understand the underlying concerns. Address these directly with active listening, providing additional information, and through inclusive decision-making.

Step 7: Review

Evaluate the implementation process, measure outcomes against expected goals, and collect feedback from the team. Use this information to refine and sustain the change.

General Notes


Throughout the process, empathetic leadership is crucial for maintaining trust and morale. Be patient and understanding of the emotional side of change.


Be prepared to iterate on your change management plan as new information and feedback come to light.