Leadership Conflict Resolution

This playbook outlines practical steps that leaders can utilize to resolve conflicts within their teams. It emphasizes the use of negotiation skills and strategies to promote a positive work environment.

Step 1: Assess Situation

Carefully evaluate the conflict by gathering information from all parties involved. Identify what the conflict is about and the interests of the various stakeholders. Avoid making assumptions and ensure you have a thorough understanding of the issue at hand.

Step 2: Establish Dialogue

Initiate open communication by bringing the parties together. Encourage each person to speak openly about their perspective while fostering an atmosphere of respect and understanding.

Step 3: Find Common Ground

Direct the conversation towards shared interests and goals. Emphasize commonalities that can create a basis for agreement and work toward a win-win situation.

Step 4: Brainstorm Solutions

Encourage creative thinking by having all parties contribute potential solutions. Ensure everyone's ideas are heard and documented for consideration, demonstrating inclusivity and collaboration.

Step 5: Negotiate Fairly

Guide the negotiation process by being neutral and objective. Establish clear criteria for making decisions and facilitate the discussion to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution.

Step 6: Implement Agreement

Once an agreement is reached, clearly outline the responsibilities of each party. Create an action plan with specific steps, deadlines, and metrics for success.

Step 7: Monitor Progress

Set up regular check-ins to ensure the agreement is being followed and to address any emerging issues promptly. Ensure ongoing communication and reinforcement of the positive outcomes of the resolution.

Step 8: Evaluate & Learn

After a resolution has been implemented and some time has passed, evaluate the effectiveness of the solution and the process. Gather feedback and learn from the experience to improve future conflict resolution.

General Notes

Maintain Neutrality

Throughout the process, it's vital to remain impartial and avoid taking sides to maintain trust and respect from all parties.


Respect the privacy of involved parties and keep sensitive information confidential to foster a safe environment for honest dialogue.

Professional Support

If the conflict escalates or becomes too complex to manage internally, consider seeking assistance from a professional mediator or counselor.