Effective Task Delegation

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide on how to delegate tasks to team members effectively. It covers the process of selecting the appropriate individual for the task and outlines how to communicate expectations to ensure successful outcomes.

Step 1: Identify Task

Determine the task that needs to be delegated. Ensure it is well-defined and suitable for delegation.

Step 2: Select Person

Choose the right team member for the task. Consider the person's skills, workload, development needs, and past performance.

Step 3: Define Outcome

Clearly articulate the desired outcome of the task. Include specific objectives and any standards that need to be met.

Step 4: Set Expectations

Communicate your expectations for the task, including any deadlines, resources available, and the extent of authority the person has.

Step 5: Provide Support

Offer support and guidance. Make yourself available for questions and assist with problem-solving as necessary.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

Regularly check in on the progress of the task, without micromanaging. Provide feedback where appropriate.

Step 7: Review Performance

Once the task is completed, review the performance with the team member. Recognize their efforts and discuss any lessons learned for future tasks.

General Notes


Delegation is not just about assigning tasks, but also about empowering the team member to take ownership and make decisions related to the task.


Be open to different methods and solutions that the team member might propose. There may be more than one way to achieve the desired outcome.