Building Leader Relationships

A playbook on establishing and developing productive relationships between leaders to improve collaboration and achieve organizational success. It outlines the steps to identify potential leader connections, engage in meaningful conversations, and nurture those relationships over time.

Step 1: Identify Leaders

Create a list of leaders within and outside your organization who you deem influential or whose goals align with yours. Consider their roles, potential for collaboration, and the mutual benefits of forming a connection.

Step 2: Initial Contact

Reach out to the leaders on your list through email, phone calls, or in-person meetings. The initial contact should be respectful of their time and express genuine interest in understanding their perspectives and goals.

Step 3: Engage

Engage in meaningful conversations during subsequent encounters. Share insights, challenge one another constructively, and explore areas of common interest that could lead to collaboration.

Step 4: Offer Value

Find ways to provide value to the relationship. This can include sharing resources, making introductions, or providing support for their initiatives. Value offering should be reciprocal and maintain a balance of give-and-take.

Step 5: Follow-Up

Maintain the relationship by following up regularly. Keep communication lines open, update each other on progress, and seek feedback. Schedule periodic meetings or casual check-ins to strengthen the connection.

Step 6: Nurture

Continuously nurture the relationship. Acknowledge their achievements, support them during challenges, and celebrate shared successes. Relationships should be sustained through consistent, positive interactions over time.

General Notes

Respect Boundaries

Respect the professional boundaries and personal time of the leaders you connect with. Ensure that interactions are always mutually beneficial and professionally conducted.


Authenticity is key in forming genuine relationships. Strive to be sincere in your engagements and act with integrity.


Diversity in leadership relationships can lead to a broader perspective and innovation. Aim to connect with leaders from various backgrounds, industries, and experiences.