Fostering Parent-Teacher Communication

This playbook outlines methods to enhance communication between teachers and parents with the goal of supporting student success. It emphasizes the importance of establishing open, ongoing, and effective channels for parent-teacher interactions.

Step 1: Establish Expectations

At the start of the academic year, communicate clear expectations for parent-teacher interactions. This can include the frequency of communication, preferred channels (e-mail, phone calls, meetings), and topics of discussion.

Step 2: Initial Contact

Make the first contact with parents positive, such as a welcome letter or a quick introduction call. Use this opportunity to establish rapport and a foundation for future interactions.

Step 3: Regular Updates

Provide regular updates on student progress. This can be done through newsletters, emails, or digital platforms where parents can see ongoing assessments, achievements, and areas needing improvement.

Step 4: Schedule Conferences

Organize periodic parent-teacher conferences to discuss student performance in-depth. Ensure that these meetings are scheduled at convenient times for parents.

Step 5: Feedback Mechanism

Create a mechanism for parents to provide feedback and express concerns. This could be through suggestion boxes, emails, or structured forms.

Step 6: Actionable Insights

Give parents actionable insights during communications. This means providing specific advice on how they can support their child's learning at home.

Step 7: Responsive Approach

Respond to parent inquiries promptly and considerately to show that their input is valued and taken seriously.

Step 8: Cultural Sensitivity

Be culturally sensitive and aware of different family dynamics and communication preferences. Accommodate different languages and communication styles whenever possible.

Step 9: Collaborative Solutions

Work with parents to collaboratively problem-solve when issues arise, ensuring they feel involved in the resolution process.

Step 10: Continuous Improvement

Regularly evaluate and improve communication strategies based on feedback from parents and effectiveness in engaging them.

General Notes


Maintain confidentiality at all times. Be mindful not to share private student information in public forums or with unauthorized individuals.


Keep a record of all communications with parents for reference and to track the development of student support strategies.