Enhancing Student Research Skills

A structured approach to assist educators in developing their students' research capabilities. The playbook focuses on guiding students through research processes, teaching them to critically evaluate sources, and effectively present their findings.

Step 1: Topic Selection

Help students to select an appropriate and engaging research topic. Encourage them to choose a subject they are passionate about and ensure it has enough available resources for study.

Step 2: Source Identification

Instruct students on how to find credible and relevant sources. Emphasize the use of academic databases, verified online resources, publications, and libraries.

Step 3: Critical Evaluation

Teach students the importance of critically evaluating sources. Discuss criteria such as author's credentials, publication date, bias, and evidence strength.

Step 4: Note-Taking

Show students effective note-taking techniques. This includes summarizing information, paraphrasing, organizing notes thematically, and proper citation.

Step 5: Outline Creation

Guide students in creating a structured outline for their research. The outline should organize their findings logically and support their thesis or central argument.

Step 6: First Draft

Have students begin writing their first draft based on the outline. Encourage them to express their ideas clearly and to back up their claims with evidence from their research.

Step 7: Revisions

Teach students the revision process. Offer feedback on their drafts, and suggest improvements in content, structure, and style. Encourage peer review as well.

Step 8: Final Presentation

Assist students in preparing to present their research findings. This may involve creating visual aids, practicing public speaking, and anticipating questions.

General Notes


Tailor these steps according to the age and proficiency level of the students, and the scope of the research project.

Continuous Support

Provide continuous support and guidance throughout all stages of the research process, encouraging students to seek help when needed.

Assessment Criteria

Clearly communicate the assessment criteria before students begin their research so they understand the expectations and standards against which their work will be evaluated.