Wire-Wrapped Stone Pendants

This playbook outlines the key steps in selecting stones and using wire-wrapping techniques to create unique and beautiful stone pendants.

Step 1: Stone Selection

Choose stones with an appealing shape and size for pendants. They should be free of cracks or chips and suitable for wire-wrapping. Consider the color, texture, and overall look of the stone in relation to the type of wire you plan to use.

Step 2: Wire Preparation

Select a gauge of wire that is strong enough to hold the stone securely but malleable enough to wrap easily. Cut a length of wire sufficient to wrap around your stone several times, with extra for creating loops and embellishments.

Step 3: Stone Wrapping

Begin by wrapping the wire firmly around the base of the stone. Create a secure hold by twisting and looping the wire, ensuring there are no sharp ends. Work your way up, wrapping the stone artistically, and creating an aesthetic design.

Step 4: Loop Creation

Once the stone is securely wrapped, create a loop at the top with the remaining wire. This loop will be used to hang the pendant from a chain or cord. Make sure the loop is centered and sturdy.

Step 5: Final Adjustments

Make any final adjustments to the wire to enhance the pendant's appearance and ensure the stone is secure. Trim any excess wire and tuck in ends to prevent them from catching on clothing or skin.

General Notes

Wire Choice

The choice of wire is crucial. Copper, sterling silver, or gold-filled wire is often used for wire wrapping. The gauge typically ranges from 20 to 26, with 20 being the thickest.

Tools Needed

Wire cutters, round nose pliers, flat nose pliers, and a mandrel for shaping loops are the essential tools for successful wire-wrapping.


Practice wrapping with inexpensive wire before moving on to more expensive materials. This will help build technique and confidence.