Hand Stamping Metal Jewelry

This process involves the technique of hand stamping to emboss personalized designs such as letters, numbers, and patterns onto metal jewelry. It requires precision and patience to create unique, custom pieces.

Step 1: Materials

Gather all necessary materials including metal blanks, metal stamps, a hammer, a steel block, tape, and a polishing cloth.

Step 2: Design Planning

Decide on the design, including the text or pattern to be stamped, and determine the layout on the metal blank.

Step 3: Secure Blank

Use tape to secure the metal blank onto the steel block to prevent it from moving during stamping.

Step 4: Stamping

Align the metal stamp onto the blank where the impression is desired. Hold the stamp firmly and strike the top of the stamp with the hammer to make the impression. Repeat as necessary.

Step 5: Inspection

After each stamp, inspect the impression to ensure clarity and depth. Make adjustments to your technique if necessary before proceeding with additional stamps.

Step 6: Polishing

Once all stamping is complete, remove the tape and use a polishing cloth to clean and shine the stamped metal jewelry.

General Notes


Practice stamping on a scrap piece of metal to perfect the technique before working on the actual jewelry piece.


Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from metal shavings and flying pieces when striking stamps with the hammer.