Beginner Wire Wrapping

This playbook provides an introduction to wire wrapping, guiding beginners through the process of wire selection, creating basic wraps, and forming loops and links for crafting earrings and pendants.

Step 1: Materials Selection

Select the appropriate gauge and type of wire for your project, taking into consideration the size, weight, and style of the piece you want to create.

Step 2: Wire Preparation

Cut the wire to the desired length using wire cutters. Straighten the wire by pulling it through nylon jaw pliers if it is kinked or coiled.

Step 3: Basic Wraps

Practice basic wire wraps by holding one end of the wire with round-nose pliers and wrapping it neatly around a mandrel or another wire to form coils or loops.

Step 4: Looping Technique

Learn simple looping by gripping the end of the wire with round-nose pliers, then twisting your wrist to create a loop. Adjust the size of the loop by changing the position on the plier's jaws.

Step 5: Link Formation

Create links by making loops at both ends of a wire piece and then connecting them with other loops or wrapped sections to form chains or frameworks for earrings and pendants.

Step 6: Finishing Touches

Use wire cutters to trim any excess wire and use chain-nose pliers to tuck in any sharp ends for a clean finish. Optionally, use a file to smooth out any rough edges.

General Notes


Always wear eye protection when cutting wire and handle tools with care to avoid injury.


Develop your wire wrapping skills by practicing with inexpensive wire before moving on to more costly materials.