Socially Responsible Investing

This playbook outlines the steps for investors to align their investment choices with their personal values. It provides guidance on embracing socially responsible and impact investing stategies.

Step 1: Assess Values

Identify your personal values and what you care about most in the world. This might include environmental sustainability, corporate ethics, social justice, or any other issues important to you.

Step 2: Research Options

Explore socially responsible funds, companies, and projects. Pay attention to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores and other relevant metrics that capture a company's impact on society and the environment.

Step 3: Evaluate Impact

Assess the social and environmental impact of potential investments. Look at how these investments have contributed to positive social or environmental outcomes.

Step 4: Check Performance

Look at the financial performance and risk profile of these investments. Just because an investment is socially responsible, doesn't mean it shouldn't also make financial sense.

Step 5: Create a Plan

Develop an investment plan that balances your desire for social impact with your financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance.

Step 6: Invest

Begin investing in your chosen socially responsible funds, companies, or projects. Make sure to diversify your portfolio to manage risk effectively.

Step 7: Monitor Progress

Regularly review the performance of your investments, both in terms of financial return and social impact. Make adjustments as needed to stay aligned with your values and goals.

General Notes

ESG Ratings

ESG ratings are often used to gauge the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company. These ratings can help in making informed decisions but should be only one element among others in the decision-making process.


While focusing on socially responsible investments, it's important to maintain a diversified portfolio to spread risk across different sectors and investment types.

Professional Advice

Consider seeking the advice of a financial planner or investment advisor who specializes in socially responsible investing to guide you in aligning investment choices with your personal values.