Growth vs. Value Investing

This playbook describes the differences between growth and value investing strategies, comparing them on various fronts and providing guidance to help investors decide which approach aligns with their profiles and investment goals.

Step 1: Understand Growth

Learn about growth investing which focuses on companies expected to grow sales and earnings at a faster rate than the market average. Consider factors such as market trends, company innovation, and industry growth rates.

Step 2: Understand Value

Learn about value investing which targets undervalued companies with strong fundamentals. Review financial statements, price-to-earnings ratios, and dividend yields to identify these investments.

Step 3: Assess Profile

Evaluate your investor profile, including risk tolerance, investment timeline, and financial goals to see which investment strategy may be more appropriate.

Step 4: Risk Analysis

Understand the different risk profiles associated with growth and value investing. Growth investments typically involve higher volatility and potential for loss, while value investing may offer more stability but with potentially lower returns in the short term.

Step 5: Portfolio Composition

Consider how growth or value investments fit into your overall portfolio strategy. Determine the allocation based on your preferred balance between risk and potential returns.

Step 6: Monitor Investments

Regularly review and assess investment performance against your financial goals and make adjustments as necessary, considering the changing market conditions and personal circumstances.

Step 7: Update Strategy

Stay informed about market trends that might influence the effectiveness of growth or value strategies. Adapt your investment approach as needed to align with your evolving financial objectives and risk profile.

General Notes

Market Cycles

Keep in mind that growth and value investing may outperform each other in different market cycles. Diversification across both strategies can potentially reduce risk and improve returns.

Tax Implications

Consider the tax implications of each strategy. Growth investments might lead to higher capital gains taxes, whereas value investing can provide qualified dividends, which may have favorable tax treatment.

Financial Advisor

If unsure of which investment strategy to choose, consult with a financial advisor who can provide personalized advice based on your unique situation.