Navigating Panel Interviews

This playbook outlines a series of steps to effectively prepare for and handle interviews with a panel of interviewers. It provides guidance on how to make a strong impression, maintain composure, and navigate the complexities of facing multiple interviewers at once.

Step 1: Research

Research the company, interviewers, and role. Understand the company's mission, values, culture, recent news, and the background of each interviewer on the panel. Also, study the job description in detail to align your skills and experiences with what is being sought.

Step 2: Practice

Hold mock interviews with friends or mentors to simulate the panel interview environment. Practice your responses to common panel interview questions and refine your ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely.

Step 3: Prepare Questions

Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the panel, showing your interest in the role and organization. Tailor questions to each panel member's area of expertise if possible to build rapport with individual interviewers.

Step 4: Dress Appropriately

Dress professionally in accordance with the industry standard and company culture. Plan your outfit ahead of time to avoid any last-minute issues.

Step 5: Arrive Early

Arrive to the interview location early to allow time for unexpected delays, to calm your nerves, and to demonstrate punctuality.

Step 6: Bring Materials

Bring extra copies of your resume, a notepad, and a pen to the interview. This shows preparedness and allows you to take notes if necessary.

Step 7: Engage Everyone

During the interview, make eye contact with all interviewers, not just the person asking the question. Acknowledge each panel member's presence and respond in a way that includes everyone.

Step 8: Body Language

Maintain positive body language, such as nodding in agreement when others speak, and ensure that your posture shows engagement and confidence.

Step 9: Follow-Up

Send a personalized thank-you note to each interviewer after the panel interview. Mention specific points discussed with each person to demonstrate attention to detail and reinforce a positive connection.

General Notes

Panel Dynamics

Be aware that each interviewer may have a different style and agenda. Adapt your responses to fit the dynamics of the conversation and the personalities of the panel members.


Stay calm and confident. It's normal to feel intimidated, but remember that your qualifications got you to this stage. Believe in yourself and your abilities.