Mock Interview Preparation

This playbook describes the steps necessary for organizing and conducting mock interviews to enhance interview skills. It outlines the process of preparation, execution, and reflection to maximize the benefits from practice sessions, aimed at improving performance in real job interviews.

Step 1: Define Goals

Determine what specific interview skills you want to improve, such as answering behavior-based questions, speaking confidently about your experiences, or communicating technical knowledge effectively.

Step 2: Create Scenarios

Develop a set of potential interview questions and scenarios relevant to the job type you're applying for. These should include common interview questions and those that target your identified weak areas.

Step 3: Recruit Interviewers

Find colleagues, mentors, or friends who can act as interviewers. Ensure they have a good understanding of the interview process and can provide constructive feedback.

Step 4: Schedule Sessions

Arrange mock interview sessions, allowing sufficient time between them for reflection and improvement. Make the schedule realistic and commit to it just as you would an actual interview.

Step 5: Prepare Materials

Gather your resume, cover letter, job description, and any other materials you would bring to a real interview. Prepare the interview room to be professional and free from distractions.

Step 6: Dress Rehearsal

Dress in the professional attire appropriate for the job you are applying for. This step is to simulate the interview environment as closely as possible.

Step 7: Conduct Interview

Perform the mock interview from start to finish, with the interviewer asking questions and you responding as you would in a real interview. Record the interview if possible for further analysis.

Step 8: Review Performance

After the mock interview, review the experience. Discuss feedback openly with your interviewer, go over the recording if available, and make notes on areas of success and those needing improvement.

Step 9: Reflect and Adjust

Reflect on the feedback and your own impressions of how the interview went. Identify areas for improvement and adjust your answers or behavior accordingly.

Step 10: Repeat Practice

Repeat mock interviews as necessary, implementing the changes and improvements you've identified. Continue this process until you feel confident in your interview skills.

General Notes

Feedback Variety

Try to get feedback from different interviewers to gain various perspectives and make your practice comprehensive.


The more realistic the mock interview is, the more beneficial it will be. Try to simulate actual interview conditions as closely as possible.

Continuous Learning

Recognize that improving interview skills is an ongoing process. Continue practicing even after you've begun attending actual job interviews.