Mastering Behavioral Interviews

This playbook provides a guide on how to understand behavioral interview techniques, highlighting common questions and strategies for crafting strong responses.

Step 1: Research

Investigate the types of behavioral interview questions that are frequently asked by employers. Focus on questions regarding past job experiences, teamwork, conflict resolution, problem solving, and adaptability.

Step 2: Self-reflection

Reflect on past professional experiences where you demonstrated key competencies such as leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. Prepare specific examples that showcase your skills and accomplishments.

Step 3: STAR Method

Learn the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for structuring your responses. This will ensure your answers are concise, structured, and impactful.

Step 4: Mock Interviews

Practice with mock interviews, either alone or with a friend or mentor. Use the STAR method to answer common behavioral questions to build confidence and improve delivery.

Step 5: Feedback

Seek feedback on your answers from peers or mentors. Use their insights to refine your responses and improve how you articulate your past experiences and skills.

Step 6: Review and Adapt

Regularly review your prepared answers to ensure they remain relevant to the jobs you are applying for. Update your examples and practice delivery to match the evolution of your experiences and skills.

General Notes


Customize your examples to be as relevant as possible to the job and company you're interviewing for. Research the company's values and try to align your answers with them.

Non-verbal cues

Remember that non-verbal communication is key during an interview. Practice maintaining good eye contact, a confident posture, and using hand gestures appropriately.