Effective Interview Questions

This playbook describes the process of crafting and asking insightful questions during an interview to show genuine interest and engagement with the potential role.

Step 1: Research

Conduct in-depth research about the company and the role you're interviewing for. Understand the company's values, culture, recent news, and challenges in the industry.

Step 2: Reflect

Reflect on your own experience, skills, and career goals. Consider how they align with the role and the company, and formulate questions that demonstrate this alignment.

Step 3: Develop Questions

Create a list of thoughtful questions based on your research and reflection. Focus on questions that reveal deeper insights about the company's future plans, the team you'll work with, and the scope of your responsibilities.

Step 4: Practice

Rehearse your questions, paying attention to your tone and delivery. Ensure the questions sound natural and demonstrate your curiosity and enthusiasm for the role.

Step 5: Prioritize

Prioritize your questions based on their importance and relevance. You may not have time to ask them all, so decide which ones are critical for making an informed decision about the job.

Step 6: Ask and Listen

During the interview, ask your prepared questions at the appropriate time. Listen carefully to the answers, showing your interest through body language and follow-up questions if necessary.

Step 7: Evaluate

After the interview, evaluate the information you received. Assess if the role aligns with your career aspirations and if your values match the company's culture.

General Notes


Be prepared to adapt your questions based on the course of the conversation; an interview is dynamic, and new information may provide opportunities for spontaneous but relevant inquiries.