Crafting 'Tell Me About Yourself' Answer

This playbook provides a structured approach to answering the 'Tell Me About Yourself' interview question. It guides you through preparing and delivering a compelling and concise personal pitch that aligns with the job you're interviewing for.

Step 1: Self-Reflection

Take some time to reflect on your key professional experiences, skills, and personal interests. Identify aspects that are relevant to the role you are applying for, and be prepared to articulate how these experiences and skills make you an ideal candidate.

Step 2: Outline Main Points

Create a rough outline of what you want to cover, including:
- Professional background
- Relevant skills and experiences
- Accomplishments
- Goals
Remember to limit the information to what is pertinent to the job to keep it concise.

Step 3: Prepare Your Pitch

Develop a compelling narrative that weaves together your main points into a succinct story. Aim for a 1-2 minute response that incorporates your professional journey, achievements, and why you're interested in the role and the company.

Step 4: Customize for Job

Tailor your pitch to the specific job and company by researching the company culture, values, mission, and the job description. Highlight experiences that demonstrate how you can contribute to the company and solve their problems.

Step 5: Practice Delivery

Rehearse delivering your 'Tell Me About Yourself' story out loud multiple times. Practice until you can deliver it smoothly without sounding rehearsed. Pay attention to your body language, voice modulation, and pacing.

Step 6: Solicit Feedback

Seek feedback on your pitch from friends, mentors, or family members. Use constructive criticism to refine your answer and ensure it sounds engaging, authentic, and relevant to the role.

Step 7: Final Review

Conduct a final review of your prepared answer. Ensure it feels natural and encompasses all your key points. Be prepared to adapt your pitch on the fly based on the interviewer's reactions and questions.

General Notes


Maintain brevity to keep the interviewer engaged; your answer should ideally be no longer than 90 seconds to 2 minutes.


Be authentic in your delivery to build a genuine connection with the interviewer.

Avoid Scripts

While it's important to practice your story, avoid memorizing it word-for-word. Over-prepared responses can come across as inauthentic.