Mobile Home Insurance Coverage

This playbook explains the specific coverage needs for mobile homes and outlines the steps to ensure adequate protection against various risks. It's designed to help mobile home owners select the right insurance policy.

Step 1: Assess Risks

Identify the specific risks associated with your mobile home based on location, type of mobile home, and personal circumstances. Include considerations like weather patterns (risk of hurricanes, flooding, etc.), crime rates in the area, and potential hazards like fires.

Step 2: Coverage Types

Research the different types of mobile home insurance coverages available such as property damage, liability coverage, and any additional riders like flood insurance that may not be included in standard policies.

Step 3: Determine Value

Calculate the current value of your mobile home and personal belongings inside to understand how much coverage you'll need. This step may involve getting your home appraised or creating a detailed inventory of personal property.

Step 4: Compare Policies

Compare insurance policies from multiple providers. Look at coverage limits, deductibles, exclusions, and premium costs to identify the best policy for your needs.

Step 5: Review Exclusions

Carefully read the exclusions section of the insurance policies you're considering. Understand what is not covered and determine if you need to purchase additional coverage or endorsements for those risks.

Step 6: Select Policy

Choose the insurance policy that provides the best coverage for the risks you've identified with a balance of comprehensive protection and affordable premiums.

Step 7: Purchase Coverage

Once you've selected a policy, contact the insurance provider to purchase the policy. Provide all necessary documentation and information required for the policy to be issued.

Step 8: Review Annually

Schedule an annual review of your mobile home insurance coverage to ensure it remains adequate as your needs and circumstances change. Update coverage as necessary.

General Notes

Additional Riders

Consider additional riders or endorsements for coverage that is typically not included in standard mobile home insurance policies, such as earthquake or flood protection, based on your geographic location.

Liability Coverage

Ensure adequate liability coverage to protect against potential lawsuits or claims from injuries that occur on your property.

Personal Property

Revisit your inventory of personal belongings periodically, and adjust your personal property coverage as needed to reflect new purchases, gifts, or changes in possession.