Optimizing Rowing Technique

This playbook outlines the necessary steps to improve form and power in rowing, whether on water or using a rowing machine. It focuses on drills and posture adjustments to enhance overall rowing performance.

Step 1: Warm-Up

Begin with a 10-minute warm-up session to prepare muscles and joints for the rowing activity. Incorporate dynamic stretching and light cardio to increase heart rate and blood flow.

Step 2: Foot Placement

Adjust the foot stretchers so that the balls of your feet are resting against the footpads with the straps securely fashioned over the widest part of your foot.

Step 3: Grip Technique

Hold the oar or handles with a relaxed grip to maintain wrist flexibility and prevent unnecessary fatigue in the forearms.

Step 4: Posture Alignment

Sit up straight with a neutral spine, looking forward. Keep your shoulders relaxed and level, preventing them from hunching up towards your ears.

Step 5: Drive Sequence

Practice the drive phase by pushing with your legs first, then swinging your back to a slight recline, and finally pulling the arms in towards the ribs with the elbows passing close to the body.

Step 6: Recovery Phase

Work on the recovery phase by extending arms first, then tilting forward from the hips, and finally bending the knees to slide the seat forward smoothly.

Step 7: Breathing Pattern

Coordinate your breathing with the rowing sequence; exhale during the drive and inhale during the recovery to maintain a steady rhythm and oxygen flow.

Step 8: Drills Implementation

Incorporate rowing drills, such as 'pause drills' at different parts of the stroke, 'low-rate rowing' to focus on technique, and 'power strokes' to improve strength and power output.

Step 9: Consistency Check

Ensure consistent stroke rate and distance per stroke. Use on-water or machine feedback to monitor and adjust your performance.

Step 10: Cool Down

End your session with a 10-minute cool-down at a reduced intensity. Follow this with static stretching focusing on the legs, back, arms, and shoulders.

General Notes


Consider working with a rowing coach or experienced rower to get feedback on your technique and make necessary adjustments.

Rest and Recovery

Allow for proper rest and recovery between intense training sessions to prevent injury and promote muscular repair.


Maintain a balanced diet to support your training regime, with a focus on protein for muscle repair and carbohydrates for energy.