Fencing Fundamentals Playbook

This playbook outlines the basic steps for newcomers to learn fencing. It includes an introduction to the weapons used, essential footwork, and foundational attack strategies.

Step 1: Weapon Familiarity

Get acquainted with the three types of fencing weapons: foil, epee, and sabre. Learn the differences in size, weight, and target areas for each weapon in order to choose which style of fencing suits you best.

Step 2: Stance and Grip

Adopt the basic en garde stance, ensuring your feet are positioned properly. Practice holding your chosen weapon with the correct grip to allow for agile movements and precise control during combat.

Step 3: Basic Footwork

Learn the fundamental footwork for fencing, which includes the advance (stepping forward), the retreat (stepping backward), and the lunge (a thrusting move to close distance and reach the opponent).

Step 4: Defensive Moves

Understand and practice basic defensive maneuvers such as the parry (deflecting an attack with your blade) and the riposte (a quick counterattack following a parry).

Step 5: Attack Strategies

Familiarize yourself with simple attack techniques like the straight attack (direct thrust toward the opponent), the disengage (an attack under the opponent's blade), and the feint (a fake attack to provoke a reaction).

General Notes

Safety Measures

Always wear the appropriate protective gear, including a mask, jacket, plastron, gloves, and breeches for safe practice and sparring sessions.

Respect and Etiquette

Learn and adhere to the rules of courtesy in fencing, such as saluting your opponent and the referee before and after bouts, to maintain the sport's traditions of respect and honor.