Boxing Fundamentals Playbook

This playbook provides an introductory guide to the basic techniques of boxing, including the proper stance, various punches, and basic defensive maneuvers.

Step 1: Stance Setup

Assume a basic boxing stance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, shift your weight slightly forward, and keep your knees slightly bent. Tuck your chin down and keep your gloves up to protect your face. Your dominant hand should be your rear hand, and your less dominant hand should be your lead.

Step 2: Punch Technique

Learn the four basic punches:

  1. Jab: Extend your lead hand straight out quickly and snap it back to guard your face.
  2. Cross: Using your rear hand, deliver a straight punch across your body, turning your hip into the punch to generate power.
  3. Hook: With your lead or rear hand, throw a punch in a semi-circular motion aiming for the side of your opponent's head or body.
  4. Uppercut: Punch upward with your rear or lead hand, targeting the underside of your opponent's chin or body.
Step 3: Defensive Skills

Practice basic defensive moves:

  1. Blocking: Use your gloves to protect your face and body from incoming punches.
  2. Slipping: Move your head to either side to dodge an incoming punch.
  3. Bobbing and Weaving: Move your head and upper body in a U-shape under a punch.
  4. Parrying: Deflect incoming punches with a small motion of your gloves.

General Notes

Footwork Importance

Always remember that good footwork is as important as punches. Stay light on your feet and move fluidly to maintain balance and generate power in your punches.

Practice Consistency

Consistently practicing these fundamentals is key to becoming proficient in boxing. Work to improve precision and speed gradually over time.