Beginner Snorkeling Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step approach for first-timers to learn snorkeling. It encompasses the usage of snorkeling equipment, safety protocols, and proper underwater behavior to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Step 1: Equipment Fit

Ensure your snorkel, mask, and fins fit properly. The mask should form a snug seal around your face without any gaps, the snorkel should attach securely to the mask, and the fins should be tight enough not to slip off but not so tight that they cause discomfort.

Step 2: Breathing Practice

Practice breathing through your snorkel while on dry land. Get used to inhaling and exhaling calmly through the snorkel tube and ensure you are comfortable with the sensation before entering the water.

Step 3: Safe Entry

Learn and use a safe method to enter the water. Depending on your location, this could mean walking in from a sandy beach or using a controlled seated entry from a boat or dock, to avoid damaging your equipment or causing injury.

Step 4: Face Immersion

Once in shallow water, gradually immerse your face into the water while wearing your mask and breathing through your snorkel. Practice breathing through the snorkel with your face submerged, remaining calm and relaxed.

Step 5: Clearing Water

Learn how to clear water from your snorkel. If water enters the snorkel, you can clear it by exhaling forcefully to expel the water from the tube, or use the purge valve if your snorkel is equipped with one.

Step 6: Mask Clearing

Practice clearing water from your mask. Let a small amount of water into the mask and then look up and breathe out through your nose to push the water out along the bottom of the mask seal.

Step 7: Efficient Swimming

Use fin kicks from your hips with straight knees to propel yourself through the water efficiently. Avoid using your arms to swim, as this can cause fatigue, and keep your movements smooth to maintain energy.

Step 8: Observation

Practice observing underwater life without touching or disturbing the environment. Keep a safe and respectful distance from marine life and habitats, and never touch, chase, or feed the wildlife.

Step 9: Emergency Skills

Familiarize yourself with basic emergency skills, such as what to do if you get a cramp, encounter strong currents, or become separated from your group. Stay calm and signal for help if needed.

General Notes

Buddy System

Always snorkel with a buddy. Use the buddy system to ensure safety as you can look out for each other and provide assistance if any difficulties arise.

Environmental Care

Be mindful of the fragile underwater environment. Avoid making contact with corals or other marine life as they can be easily damaged and touching them can be harmful to both the organisms and you.

Sun Protection

Wear reef-safe sunscreen and consider wearing a rash guard or UV-protective clothing to prevent sunburn while snorkeling, as the sun’s rays are amplified underwater.