Workplace Conflict Resolution

This playbook provides a structured approach to resolving conflicts in the workplace. It aims to guide individuals through a fair and effective process to address and settle disagreements among colleagues.

Step 1: Prepare

Before engaging in conflict resolution, ensure that all parties have agreed to participate and are ready to discuss the issues with an open mind. Collect any necessary background information and set a time and private space for the discussion.

Step 2: Listen Actively

Allot an uninterrupted time for each party to speak and express their perspective. Encourage active listening, where listeners focus on understanding the speaker’s point of view without planning their response or interrupting.

Step 3: Identify Issues

Clarify the underlying issues and concerns. This step involves differentiating the individuals' positions from their interests. Positions are what they say they want, while interests are the underlying needs, desires, concerns, and fears.

Step 4: Find Common Ground

Encourage all parties to identify areas of agreement. Recognizing shared interests or goals can provide a foundation for a mutually acceptable resolution.

Step 5: Brainstorm Solutions

Engage all parties in brainstorming potential solutions. Encourage creativity and do not dismiss any suggestions initially. Aim to generate a wide variety of options.

Step 6: Evaluate Options

Discuss the pros and cons of the proposed solutions. Consider the feasibility and impact of each option, and gauge how well it addresses the interests of all parties involved.

Step 7: Negotiate

Begin the process of give and take to reach a compromise. Throughout the negotiation, maintain respect and aim for solutions that meet the essential interests of all parties.

Step 8: Agree on Action

Once a solution is reached, clearly outline the agreed-upon action plan. Specify what each party will do, by when, and how follow-up or accountability will be handled.

Step 9: Monitor Progress

Set up a system to check-in on the progress of the action plan. This may involve scheduled meetings or reports to ensure the resolution is being implemented effectively.

Step 10: Review and Adjust

After a set period, review the effectiveness of the resolution. If there are still unresolved issues or new conflicts have emerged, go back through the resolution process to adjust the action plan as necessary.

General Notes


If you are mediating the conflict, maintain neutrality. Do not take sides or make judgments. Your role is to facilitate a fair and effective conversation, not to decide the outcome.


Ensure that the details of the conflict resolution discussion are kept confidential. This preserves trust and encourages open, honest communication.

Emotional Intelligence

Recognize and manage emotions during the process. Help the parties understand each other’s emotional responses and encourage them to respond empathetically.