Performance Review Playbook

This guide outlines the best practices for implementing an effective performance review system aimed at coaching and developing a team. It details the steps necessary to prepare, conduct, and follow up on performance evaluations, ensuring continuous improvement and employee development.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather relevant employee performance data, including productivity metrics, peer feedback, and self-assessments. Establish a clear understanding of the employee's job responsibilities and prior goals. Prepare open-ended questions to facilitate discussion.

Step 2: Scheduling

Coordinate with the employee to schedule the review at a mutually convenient time. Ensure the review is planned well in advance and allow enough time for a thorough discussion without rush.

Step 3: Environment

Create a comfortable and private environment for the review. This setting should be free from interruptions and allow an open and honest dialogue.

Step 4: Dialogue

Start the review by discussing the positive aspects of the employee's performance. Then, address areas for improvement, providing specific examples and data. Encourage the employee to share their perspectives and engage in the conversation.

Step 5: Goal Setting

Collaboratively set clear and achievable goals for the next review period. These should align with the team's and organization's objectives.

Step 6: Development Plan

Work with the employee to create a personal development plan which includes action items to reach the set goals and address identified areas for development.

Step 7: Follow-Up

Schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress on the set goals and development plan. This aids in maintaining momentum and demonstrates commitment to the employee's growth.

Step 8: Documentation

Document all aspects of the performance review. Include the goals, development plan, and any commitments made by both the reviewer and the employee.

Step 9: Feedback Loop

Encourage and establish a process for ongoing feedback between reviews to foster continuous growth and address issues in real-time.

General Notes


Ensure that the contents of the performance review are kept confidential and shared only with those who require access to the information.

Legal Compliance

Be aware of and comply with all legal guidelines and company policies regarding performance reviews and employee privacy.

Emotional Intelligence

Performance reviews should be approached with emotional intelligence, aiming to support and motivate the employee, not just critique them.