Employee Handbook Creation

This playbook provides a sequence of steps for developing an employee handbook. It outlines the process of compiling company policies and presenting them in a clear and organized manner to ensure that all employees understand the expectations and norms of the company.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather existing company policies, legal requirements, and best practices related to employee management and workplace expectations. Identify key stakeholders in your organization to involve in the handbook creation process.

Step 2: Outline

Create an outline of the handbook that organizes topics into clear sections. Common sections include: Welcome Message, Company History, Vision, and Mission, Employment Basics, Code of Conduct, Compensation and Benefits, Work Schedule and Leave Policies, Employee Development, Safety and Security, and Acknowledgment of Receipt.

Step 3: Drafting

Begin writing the content for each section of the employee handbook based on the outline. Ensure the language is clear, concise, and easily understandable. Provide examples where necessary to illustrate policies.

Step 4: Review

Review the draft with stakeholders, legal experts, and HR professionals to ensure compliance with national and local employment laws, and to verify that the policies are fair and align with the company's culture and objectives.

Step 5: Feedback

Gather feedback from a small group of employees representing a cross-section of the company. Incorporate their input to improve clarity and ensure the policies are practical.

Step 6: Finalize

Incorporate all feedback and finalize the draft. Pay special attention to formatting for both clarity and professional presentation. Decide on the distribution method (print, digital, or both).

Step 7: Distribute

Distribute the finalized employee handbook to all employees. Ensure that they have easy access to the document, and provide a way for them to acknowledge receipt and understanding of its contents.

Step 8: Update

Establish a schedule for reviewing and updating the handbook regularly to keep the policies current with changing laws and company practices.

General Notes


Consider the accessibility of the handbook by making it available in various formats, such as digital, print, or even video, and by ensuring it is easy to navigate.

Inclusive Language

Use inclusive language to accommodate diversity within the workforce and to make all employees feel valued and respected.