Creating Employee Reward Systems

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to establish and implement an effective employee reward system to recognize and appreciate employee achievements in a meaningful manner.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Evaluate the current company culture, employee morale, and existing reward systems. Collect employee feedback through surveys, interviews, or focus groups to determine what types of recognition and rewards would be most meaningful to them.

Step 2: Define Goals

Identify the objectives of the reward system. This could include increasing employee satisfaction, improving performance, retaining talent, or aligning employee efforts with company values.

Step 3: Budget Planning

Determine the budget for the reward system. Consider direct costs for rewards, administrative expenses for managing the system, and indirect costs such as time taken to administer the program.

Step 4: Design Program

Develop the structure of the reward system, which includes types of rewards (monetary, non-monetary), criteria for recognition, eligibility, and frequency of the rewards. Ensure it aligns with company goals and employee desires.

Step 5: Communication

Create a clear communication plan to inform employees about the reward system. Highlight the purpose, eligibility criteria, how to get nominated, and the benefits of the program to ensure transparency and excitement.

Step 6: Implement System

Roll out the reward system according to the communication plan. This may involve training for managers who will administer the rewards, setting up nomination systems, and ensuring all materials are ready for launch.

Step 7: Monitor & Evaluate

Regularly review the reward system's effectiveness against the initially defined goals. Seek feedback from employees to make adjustments and ensure the program remains relevant and appreciated.

Step 8: Maintain Engagement

Continue to maintain interest in the reward system by refreshing the rewards on offer, celebrating achievements, and keeping communication open about the program's success and any upcoming changes.

General Notes


Ensure that the reward system is inclusive, offering equal opportunities for recognition for all employees, regardless of role or seniority.

Legal Compliance

Verify that the reward system complies with all relevant laws and regulations to avoid potential legal issues.

Cultural Sensitivity

Be aware of cultural differences that may affect how rewards are perceived. Tailor the program to be culturally sensitive and appropriate for a diverse workforce.