Home Water Safety Protocol

This playbook provides a sequence of steps to enhance water safety in the home, aimed at preventing drowning and water-related injuries. It is particularly focused on homes with swimming pools.

Step 1: Assessment

Gauge potential water hazards around your home, including pools, bathtubs, buckets, and ponds.

Step 2: Barrier Installation

Install barriers such as pool fencing, self-closing, and self-latching gates to restrict access to the pool area.

Step 3: Supervision Enhancement

Ensure constant, attentive supervision when children are in or near water; avoid distractions like mobile phones.

Step 4: Swimming Lessons

Enroll family members, especially children, in formal swimming lessons with competent instructors.

Step 5: Emergency Planning

Prepare for emergencies by learning CPR, basic water rescue skills, and keeping rescue equipment and a phone near the pool.

Step 6: Regular Maintenance

Maintain clear water and proper chemical balance in pools and regularly check for and remove potential hazards.

Step 7: Safety Equipment

Equip your pool with safety devices such as life rings, reaching poles, and slip-resistant surfaces around the pool area.

Step 8: Alarm Systems

Install water hazard alarms that can alert you to unauthorized pool access or accidental falls into the water.

Step 9: Storage Solutions

Securely store all water receptacles, such as buckets and containers, in an upright position and out of children's reach to prevent accumulation of water.

Step 10: Bathroom Safety

Never leave a child unattended in a bathtub, and install nonslip mats to prevent falls.

Step 11: Drain Cover Check

Inspect the pool and spa drain covers to ensure they comply with federal safety standards to prevent entrapment.

Step 12: Adult Education

Educate all adults in the household on water safety practices and ensure all are capable of performing them.

General Notes

Local Codes Compliance

Verify that all safety measures comply with local building and safety codes.

Community Resources

Consider learning about water safety programs in your community and participate in them.