Emergency Contact Sheet Creation

This playbook outlines the steps required to create an emergency contact sheet. The process involves gathering necessary information, formatting the document, and ensuring it is accessible for when an emergency arises.

Step 1: Gather Information

Collect the full names, relationship descriptions, and multiple contact methods (home phone, mobile, email) for all individuals who should be included on the emergency contact sheet. This may include family members, close friends, medical professionals, and local emergency services.

Step 2: Choose Format

Decide on the format of the emergency contact sheet, such as a digital document (Word, Excel, PDF) or a physical printout. Consider ease of access and visibility in an emergency when deciding.

Step 3: Input Data

Enter the gathered information into the chosen format methodically. Make sure to label each contact with their name, relationship, and each method of contact, organizing them in order of importance or in categories (e.g., Family, Medical, Services).

Step 4: Review

Carefully review the contact sheet to ensure all information is accurate and no essential contacts are missing. Verify the legibility and clarity of the information presented.

Step 5: Finalize

Save the document if digital or make copies if physical. Ensure the final format is durable and resilient, so it remains intact and readable over time.

Step 6: Distribute

Place the emergency contact sheet in strategic and accessible locations around the home or office. If digital, ensure it is shareable and accessible to all necessary parties. Consider sending copies to key individuals.

Step 7: Update Regularly

Schedule routine reviews of the contact sheet to update any changed contact information and to add or remove contacts as needed.

General Notes


Be mindful of privacy concerns when handling personal contact information. Secure the emergency contact sheet appropriately and share it only with those who may require access to it in an emergency.


Ensure that the emergency contact sheet remain easily accessible to everyone who may need it, considering challenges such as power outages, internet connectivity issues, or physical barriers.