Laptop Maintenance Playbook

A guided approach to maintaining your laptop's performance focusing on physical cleaning, software management, and battery upkeep. This playbook ensures the laptop remains in optimal condition through regular and systematic care.

Step 1: Physical Cleaning

Power off the laptop and disconnect any cables. Use a can of compressed air to blow out debris from the keyboard, ports, and vents. Wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth lightly dampened with distilled water or an appropriate cleaner. Clean the keyboard and touchpad with disinfectant wipes or a damp microfiber cloth.

Step 2: Software Updates

Ensure your operating system is up to date by accessing your system settings and checking for any available updates. Update your installed applications by visiting the app store or application manager relevant to your operating system. Run a reputable antivirus and malware scan to ensure the system is free from threats.

Step 3: Disk Cleanup

Use your operating system's built-in tools for disk cleanup to remove temporary files and system cache. Uninstall programs that are no longer in use to free up disk space. Defragment your hard drive if using an HDD, otherwise optimize if using an SSD.

Step 4: Battery Care

Unplug the charger when the battery is full to prevent overcharging. Use the laptop on battery power until it reaches approximately 20% before recharging to increase the battery's lifespan. Check your operating system's battery health feature and calibrate the battery if necessary.

General Notes


Regularly back up important data to an external hard drive or cloud storage to prevent loss of data during maintenance activities or unexpected failures.


Ensure good ventilation while using the laptop to prevent overheating. Keep the vents unobstructed and consider using a laptop cooler or stand for improved airflow.