Dual Monitor Setup

This playbook outlines the process of setting up and configuring a dual monitor display with your computer. It includes steps for connecting the monitors, adjusting display settings, and positioning the screens.

Step 1: Equipment Check

Ensure you have two monitors, a computer with at least two video output ports, compatible cables for each monitor, and a power source for each screen.

Step 2: Connect Monitors

Turn off your computer. Connect the first monitor to the primary video output on the computer using the correct cable. Connect the second monitor to the secondary video output on the computer.

Step 3: Power On

Turn on both monitors and then turn on your computer. Wait for the computer to boot up.

Step 4: Operating System Settings

Navigate to the display settings in your computer's operating system. On Windows, right-click the desktop and select 'Display settings'. On macOS, go to 'System Preferences' > 'Displays'.

Step 5: Detect Displays

Click 'Detect' or 'Identify Displays' to force your operating system to recognize both monitors.

Step 6: Arrange Displays

Drag and position the on-screen representations of your displays to match the physical arrangement of your monitors. This will determine how your mouse and applications move between screens.

Step 7: Adjust Settings

Set your preferred display resolution and orientation for each monitor. You can also choose your primary display, which will host the taskbar and start menu.

Step 8: Apply Settings

Apply the display settings. You may be prompted to confirm your choices. Once saved, your dual monitors should be functioning.

General Notes

Video Ports

Common video output ports include HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI, or VGA. Ensure your computer's ports and monitor cables are compatible, or secure adapters if necessary.


If a monitor is not detected, double-check your connections, ensure that the monitor is powered on, and that the correct input source is selected on the monitor's menu.

Resolution and Scaling

If icons or text appear too small or large on your displays, you can adjust the scale and resolution settings until you find a comfortable setting that works for you.

Graphics Drivers

Ensure your graphics card drivers are up-to-date for optimal performance and compatibility with dual monitor setups.