CPU Thermal Paste Replacement

This playbook describes the steps required to properly replace the thermal paste on a CPU, ensuring better heat dissipation and improved cooling performance.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary materials including thermal paste, isopropyl alcohol, cotton swabs or microfiber cloth, and tools for disassembling your computer or device.

Step 2: Shutdown

Completely shut down the computer and disconnect all power sources to ensure safety and prevent any electrical damage.

Step 3: Disassembly

Carefully disassemble the device to access the CPU cooler. This typically involves removing the side panel of a desktop or the bottom cover of a laptop, and then detaching the CPU cooler or heat sink.

Step 4: Cleaning

Use isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab or microfiber cloth to gently clean the old thermal paste from the surface of the CPU as well as the cooler. Ensure the surfaces are completely clean and dry before proceeding.

Step 5: Applying Paste

Apply a small pea-sized amount of thermal paste in the center of the CPU's top surface. Avoid applying too much paste as it can affect heat transfer.

Step 6: Reassembly

Carefully reattach the CPU cooler, ensuring that it is seated evenly and making good contact with the CPU. Then, reassemble any other parts that were removed during disassembly.

Step 7: Power On

Reconnect the power sources, power on the device, and monitor the CPU temperature using a suitable software tool to ensure the new thermal paste is functioning correctly.

General Notes

Paste Type

Ensure that the thermal paste you are using is suitable for your CPU and cooler type. There are different types of paste including metal, ceramic, and silicone based.

Pressure Application

When reattaching the cooler, apply even pressure to avoid creating air bubbles in the thermal paste, which can hinder heat dissipation.

Quantity Caution

Be cautious not to use too much or too little thermal paste—a pea-sized amount is usually sufficient for most CPUs.