BIOS Setup Guide

This playbook outlines the steps required to access and configure the BIOS settings for a computer system. The aim is to ensure that the system's performance is optimized by adjusting various BIOS options.

Step 1: System Restart

Begin by restarting your computer. During the start-up process, pay close attention to the screen for a prompt to enter the BIOS setup, which usually requires pressing a specific key such as F2, F10, Delete, or Esc.

Step 2: Enter BIOS

As soon as you see the prompt, press the corresponding key repeatedly until the BIOS setup utility opens. If you miss the moment, you may need to restart the computer again and try once more.

Step 3: Navigating BIOS

Use the keyboard to navigate through the BIOS setup menus. Typically, arrow keys are used for navigation, the Enter key to select, and the Esc key to go back to the previous menu.

Step 4: Load Defaults

Consider loading the default settings if you're not experienced with BIOS configuration. Look for an option like 'Load Default Options', 'Load Optimized Defaults', or something similar to reset all settings to their default state. This step is especially useful if the BIOS configuration has been altered before and you want to start with a clean slate.

Step 5: Configure Boot Order

Locate the Boot menu or the Boot Order option. Set the preferred boot order by prioritizing the devices that should be checked first when the system starts up, such as Hard Drive, DVD Drive, or USB Drive. This step is crucial for installing an operating system or running diagnostic tools.

Step 6: Adjust Settings

Carefully go through other settings that you may wish to optimize, such as system clock, power management, CPU, memory settings, and any specific features that your motherboard supports.

Step 7: Save and Exit

Once all the necessary adjustments have been made, navigate to the exit menu. Save your changes by selecting 'Save and Exit Setup' or a similar option. Confirm any dialogs that ask to save the changes, then let the computer restart with the new settings applied.

General Notes

BIOS Access Key

The key required to enter BIOS may differ depending on the motherboard manufacturer. Consult your PC or motherboard manual if you're unsure which key to press.

BIOS Version

The BIOS layout and available features may vary depending on the BIOS version and model of the motherboard. Always refer to the user manual for specific instructions if necessary.


Incorrect BIOS settings can cause system instability or issues during boot. Only change settings you're knowledgeable about, and consider documenting your changes for future reference.