Annual Fundraising Plan Creation

This playbook describes the process of creating an annual fundraising plan. It is designed to help organizations streamline events, effectively manage donor outreach, and ensure a consistent flow of funds throughout the year.

Step 1: Objective Setting

Define clear objectives for the year, including specific financial goals, the number of events to be held, and donor engagement metrics.

Step 2: Review Past Data

Analyze previous years' fundraising performance, noting what worked well and areas for improvement.

Step 3: Budget Planning

Create a detailed budget that includes projected income, expenses, and a contingency plan for unexpected costs.

Step 4: Event Schedule

Develop a calendar of fundraising events for the year, ensuring a balanced spread across the months to avoid donor fatigue.

Step 5: Donor Strategy

Segment donors into categories (e.g., major donors, recurring donors) and tailor communication and outreach strategies for each group.

Step 6: Marketing Plan

Craft a marketing plan to promote fundraising events and campaigns, utilizing multiple channels such as social media, email newsletters, and public relations.

Step 7: Team Roles

Assign roles and responsibilities within your team, ensuring clear accountability and efficient execution of the fundraising plan.

Step 8: Implementation

Execute the fundraising plan according to the scheduled events and strategies laid out in previous steps.

Step 9: Monitoring

Regularly track the progress of fundraising activities against goals and budget, adjusting strategies as necessary.

Step 10: Evaluation

At the end of the year, comprehensively evaluate the performance of the fundraising plan to inform the strategy for the following year.

General Notes


Involve all stakeholders, including board members, staff, and volunteers, in the planning process for broader perspectives and buy-in.

Legal Compliance

Ensure all fundraising activities comply with relevant laws and ethical standards to maintain the integrity of your organization.


Be prepared to adapt the plan to unforeseen circumstances such as changes in the economic climate or public health situations.