Food Handlers' Hygiene

This playbook provides the essential steps for maintaining personal hygiene among food handlers. It emphasizes handwashing, proper glove use, and other best practices to ensure food safety.

Step 1: Hand Washing

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Be sure to scrub all parts of your hands, including the back of hands, between fingers, and under nails. Rinse and dry with a clean towel or air dryer.

Step 2: Glove Use

Wear gloves when handling food. Ensure hands are clean before putting gloves on. Change gloves regularly, especially after handling raw food or any interruption like touching your face or handling money.

Step 3: Personal Cleanliness

Maintain cleanliness by wearing clean clothing and keeping hair restrained. Avoid wearing jewelry or watches that can trap bacteria and potentially contaminate food.

Step 4: Illness Reporting

Report any illnesses or symptoms to a supervisor immediately. Avoid handling food if you are sick or exhibiting symptoms that may contaminate the food, like coughing or sneezing.

Step 5: Wound Care

Cover any cuts or wounds with a waterproof bandage before putting on gloves. If a wound or bandage comes into contact with food, discard the food immediately.

General Notes

Hygiene Training

All food handlers should receive proper training on personal hygiene, the potential consequences of poor hygiene, and the frequency of hygiene practices.

Regular Reminders

Posting signs reminding employees of the importance of handwashing and other hygiene practices can be an effective way to maintain high standards.