Controlling Heavy Bleeding

This playbook outlines the essential steps for managing heavy bleeding in an emergency situation. It includes applying direct pressure and utilizing tourniquets when necessary.

Step 1: Safety First

Ensure the scene is safe for you to assist the injured person. Put on gloves if available to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Step 2: Apply Pressure

Locate the source of bleeding and apply firm, direct pressure with a clean cloth or dressing. If the bleeding is from a limb and continues heavily, consider the application of a tourniquet.

Step 3: Tourniquet Use

If direct pressure fails to stop the bleeding and it's from a limb, apply a tourniquet 2-3 inches above the wound. Do not place directly over a joint. Tighten until bleeding stops.

Step 4: Secure Dressing

Once bleeding is controlled, secure the dressing with bandages to maintain pressure. Monitor the person for signs of shock and provide reassurance.

Step 5: Call Emergency Services

If not done already, call emergency services for professional medical assistance. Do not remove any pressure or tourniquet until medical personnel arrive.

General Notes


Avoid applying a tourniquet unless absolutely necessary as it can lead to tissue damage. Be cautious with items that can cause more damage like sharp tools.


Ensure the injured person is kept warm and still. Provide comfort and avoid giving them food or drink until medical professionals take over.