Financial Forecasting Basics

This playbook provides a structured approach for forecasting future revenues and expenses, allowing businesses to make informed decisions. It outlines the fundamental steps for creating a financial forecast and highlights the importance of using both historical data and market analysis.

Step 1: Data Collection

Gather historical financial data, including past sales, expenses, and growth patterns. This will serve as a foundation for creating the forecast.

Step 2: Market Analysis

Conduct an analysis of market trends, economic conditions, and industry forecasts that may impact future revenues and expenses.

Step 3: Revenue Projections

Project future sales based on historical data, market analysis, and any known future contracts or deals.

Step 4: Expense Estimation

Estimate future costs by considering fixed and variable expenses, inflation rates, and any planned investments or changes in operations.

Step 5: Assumption Listing

Document all assumptions made during the forecasting process. This ensures that the model can be adjusted as more information becomes available.

Step 6: Financial Statements

Create projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements using the gathered data and assumptions.

Step 7: Analysis and Adjustment

Analyze the projected financial statements for viability and adjust assumptions as necessary to ensure they are realistic.

Step 8: Review and Finalize

Review the forecast with team members or stakeholders, incorporate feedback, and finalize the forecast.

General Notes


Forecasting is not an exact science; it's important to regularly review and update forecasts as actual data comes in.


The forecasting process should be a regular activity, not a one-time event, to aid in strategic planning and decision-making.


Consider using financial forecasting software to aid in creating more sophisticated and accurate financial models.