Understanding Emergency Alerts

This playbook describes the various types of emergency alerts and warnings, providing information on the importance of each and guiding families on how to respond appropriately during emergencies.

Step 1: Learn Types

Familiarize yourself with the different types of emergency alerts and warnings, such as AMBER alerts, weather advisories, and national security warnings.

Step 2: Notification Methods

Understand the various methods through which you may receive these alerts, including smartphone notifications, TV and radio broadcasts, and outdoor sirens.

Step 3: Emergency Plans

Create or review your family's emergency plans for different types of warnings and decide on communication plans and meeting places for various scenarios.

Step 4: Stay Informed

Stay informed about potential emergencies by regularly checking reliable news sources and subscribing to local warning systems, if available.

Step 5: Practice Drills

Conduct regular drills with your family to ensure that everyone knows how to respond quickly and safely when an alert is issued.

Step 6: Update Kits

Prepare or update emergency kits with necessities such as water, food, medication, and important documents to be ready for immediate evacuation if needed.

General Notes

Local Regulations

Some alerts and the appropriate responses might vary by location; ensure you understand the specifics for your local area.

Special Needs

If you or a family member has special needs, make accommodations in your emergency plans to account for those needs.

Regular Review

Revisit and update your emergency plans and kits regularly, as well as re-familiarizing yourself with the types of alerts, as methods and recommendations can change over time.