Pet Emergency Preparedness

This playbook outlines the necessary steps to ensure the safety and preparedness of household pets during emergencies. It includes instructions for assembling a pet emergency kit.

Step 1: Identification

Ensure that your pets have proper identification with up-to-date contact information, such as ID tags on collars and microchips.

Step 2: Secure Carriers

Prepare secure pet carriers or crates for transportation that are large enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

Step 3: Emergency Kit

Assemble a pet emergency kit including items such as food, water, medications, veterinary records, a pet first aid kit, and any special care instructions.

Step 4: Safe Haven

Identify a safe location where you can take your pets in an emergency, such as pet-friendly hotels, shelters, or a relative's home.

Step 5: Practice Evacuation

Practice evacuating with your pets to ensure they're familiar with their carriers and comfortable with the process.

Step 6: Display Information

Place a pet rescue decal on your home's windows to let rescue workers know there are pets inside. Write the types and number of pets in your household and your veterinarian's contact information.

Step 7: Stay Informed

Keep up to date with local emergency plans, including understanding which natural disasters could affect your area and what the evacuation protocols are.

General Notes

Kit Accessibility

Store the pet emergency kit in an accessible place and ensure all family members know its location.

Regular Updates

Update the emergency kit and identification information regularly, especially after any changes in your pet's health or routine.

Emergency Contacts

Have a list of emergency contacts, including your veterinarian, local animal shelters, and animal control, to seek help and information quickly.