Home Disaster Preparedness

This playbook outlines a series of steps to reinforce and protect your home against the damaging effects of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes. It provides essential measures to ensure safety and minimize property loss.

Step 1: Risk Assessment

Assess the natural disaster risks specific to your geographic area. Consider factors such as proximity to flood plains, earthquake fault lines, or hurricane-prone regions.

Step 2: Secure Structures

Reinforce the structural integrity of your home. This can include upgrading building materials, securing heavy furniture to walls, and ensuring your home meets building codes for natural disaster resilience.

Step 3: Flood Defenses

Install flood defense mechanisms if in a flood-prone area. This may involve using sandbags, flood barriers, or waterproofing your basement.

Step 4: Emergency Supplies

Gather emergency supplies such as non-perishable food, drinking water, flashlights, batteries, a first-aid kit, and medications. Store them in an easily accessible location.

Step 5: Family Plan

Create and practice a family disaster plan. Determine evacuation routes, meeting points outside of your home, and establish a system for communicating with family members during disasters.

Step 6: Document Protection

Secure and protect important documents by storing them in a fireproof and waterproof safe. Consider keeping digital copies in a secure cloud storage as a backup.

Step 7: Property Inspection

Regularly inspect your property for potential vulnerabilities such as loose shingles, cracked foundations, or blocked drainage systems and address them promptly.

Step 8: Review Insurance

Review and update your property insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for the types of natural disasters that you might encounter. Take note of the coverage limits and any exclusions.

Step 9: Utility Safety

Learn how to safely shut off utilities such as gas, electricity, and water in the event of a natural disaster. Keep necessary tools readily available and ensure all family members know how to perform these tasks.

Step 10: Maintain Landscaping

Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed to minimize the risk of storm-related damage. Remove any dead trees or branches that could fall on your home.

General Notes

Local Resources

Investigate local resources such as community emergency response teams, disaster readiness programs, and alerts that can provide guidance and assistance.

First Aid Training

Consider obtaining first aid and CPR certification through local courses to improve your ability to assist in emergencies.

Assistance Services

Identify any special assistance services you or your household members may need, such as for elderly, disabled persons, or pets, and plan accordingly for their safety and evacuation if necessary.