Family Evacuation Plan Development

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide for families to develop an evacuation plan, including identifying routes and establishing meeting points in case of emergencies that necessitate leaving the home.

Step 1: Risk Assessment

Identify potential emergencies that are likely in your area, such as natural disasters or man-made incidents, to determine the types of situations for which you need to prepare an evacuation plan.

Step 2: Plan Routes

Map out primary and secondary evacuation routes from your home to safe locations. Consider various scenarios and obstacles you may encounter during different emergencies.

Step 3: Meeting Points

Designate multiple family meeting points both in your neighborhood and outside of it, in case you get separated during the evacuation.

Step 4: Communication Plan

Establish a family communication plan, including contact information, out-of-town contacts, and strategies for communication if local networks are down.

Step 5: Evacuation Drills

Conduct evacuation drills to ensure every family member knows the plan, the routes, and how to safely evacuate from the home.

Step 6: Emergency Kits

Prepare emergency kits for each family member, including essential items such as water, food, medication, and important documents.

Step 7: Information Sharing

Share the evacuation plan and emergency contact information with extended family, neighbors, and friends so they are aware of your plan and can assist if necessary.

Step 8: Plan Updates

Regularly update your evacuation plan to accommodate changes such as new family members, different addresses, or updated contact information.

General Notes


When planning evacuation routes and procedures, consider the needs of all family members, including persons with disabilities, elderly individuals, and pets.

Local Resources

Familiarize yourself with local emergency resources, shelters, and evacuation centers in your area.


Keep physical and digital copies of your evacuation plan, and ensure all family members have access to it.