Family Emergency Plan Update

This playbook outlines the necessary steps for reviewing, practicing, and updating a family's emergency plans. It ensures the plans are current, reflecting any changes in the family's situation or new emergency guidelines.

Step 1: Schedule Review

Set a specific date and time for the family to review the emergency plan together. This should be done at least annually or after any major family or living situation changes.

Step 2: Gather Documents

Collect the current emergency plan documents, including contact lists, evacuation routes, and any other relevant materials ahead of the meeting.

Step 3: Discuss Changes

Assess and discuss any changes in family circumstances that could affect the emergency plan. This might include changes in address, health status, family composition, or employment.

Step 4: Update Plan

Revise the emergency plan to incorporate any new information. This includes updating contact information, designated meeting locations, and specific roles for family members.

Step 5: Review Guidelines

Check the latest emergency preparedness guidelines from authoritative sources such as government agencies or disaster preparedness organizations and adjust your plan accordingly.

Step 6: Practice Drills

Conduct practice drills to ensure everyone in the family understands what to do and where to go in case of an emergency. This can help identify any confusion or additional changes needed.

Step 7: Document Updates

Make sure all changes are well-documented, and distribute the updated plan to all family members. Consider making digital copies available through cloud storage or email.

Step 8: Review Supplies

Check your emergency supply kit for expired items, missing items, or supplies that need to be replaced or updated. Restock as necessary.

General Notes

Emergency Contacts

Ensure that each family member has a physical copy of emergency contacts and understands how to reach out in different scenarios.

Special Needs

Pay special attention to family members with special needs, and make sure their specific requirements are addressed in the emergency plan.

Digital Access

Maintain digital access to the emergency plan by using secure cloud storage, which is especially useful in case physical documents are lost or destroyed.