Emergency Planning for Seniors and the Disabled

This playbook outlines the essential steps for families to prepare for emergencies, focusing on the unique needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities to ensure their safety and well-being.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate the specific needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities in your family. Consider mobility issues, sensory impairments, dietary requirements, medication routines, and any medical equipment they rely on.

Step 2: Consultation

Consult with health care providers to understand the medical needs of the seniors and the disabled in the family during an emergency. Obtain advice on managing their health care needs when regular services may not be available.

Step 3: Supplies Kit

Prepare an emergency supplies kit which includes medications, necessary medical equipment, batteries, special dietary foods, and any other supplies specific to their needs for at least a week.

Step 4: Emergency Plan

Develop an emergency plan that addresses evacuation routes, shelters that are accessible, emergency contact information, and a communication strategy to keep everyone informed.

Step 5: Practice Drills

Conduct practice drills to ensure that everyone knows what to do in an emergency, with a focus on the challenges that might be faced by seniors or individuals with disabilities.

Step 6: Documentation

Keep a file of important documents, such as medical records, prescriptions, and insurance information, in a safe and accessible location. Include them in your emergency kit.

Step 7: Support Network

Build a support network of neighbors, friends, and family who understand the special needs of your seniors and disabled individuals, and who can assist in an emergency.

Step 8: Local Resources

Research local resources such as emergency services, special needs transportation, and accessible shelters in advance, and add their contact information to your emergency plan.

General Notes


When planning, ensure all information and resources are accessible for individuals with disabilities (e.g., written materials should be available in Braille for the visually impaired).

Regular Updates

Review and update your emergency plan and supplies regularly, as the needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities can change over time.

Medication Stockpile

Work with healthcare providers to secure an adequate stockpile of prescription medications that may not be easily accessible during emergencies.