Emergency Information Access

This playbook provides a structured approach to staying informed during emergencies by leveraging multiple channels. It aims to ensure timely and reliable access to critical information when it's most needed.

Step 1: Alert Sign-Up

Sign up for local emergency alerts in your area. This might involve registering your phone number with a local alert system or downloading a dedicated emergency app.

Step 2: Radio Access

Ensure access to a battery-powered or hand-cranked radio. This will be an essential tool for receiving updates if the power goes out or if other communication channels fail.

Step 3: Social Media

Follow local authorities and reputable news sources on social media platforms. Adjust notifications settings to prioritize updates from these accounts during an emergency.

Step 4: Network Plans

Establish a communication plan with friends and family. Determine how you'll stay in contact in case conventional communication methods become unavailable.

Step 5: Physical Resources

Keep a list of physical locations where emergency information is posted, such as community centers or local government buildings, in case digital channels are down.

Step 6: Regular Updates

Check for updates routinely. During times of crisis, new information can become available rapidly, and staying updated is crucial for your safety and preparedness.

General Notes


In addition to staying informed, ensure you have an emergency kit with supplies that could last for several days, and familiarize yourself with local evacuation routes and shelters.


Always verify emergency information from multiple sources to avoid misinformation, which can be prevalent during high-stress events.

Battery Backups

Keep extra batteries or a solar charger on hand for your devices to ensure continuous access to communication channels.