Emergency Family Reconnection

This playbook outlines steps family members should follow to locate and reconnect with each other in case they are separated during an emergency. It provides a strategic approach to ensure all family members can communicate and find each other amidst confusion and potential communication breakdowns.

Step 1: Preparation

Create a family emergency plan that includes specific reunification strategies. Ensure every family member knows the plan and practices it regularly. Maintain a list of contact information for all family members and other important contacts like emergency services, doctors, and schools.

Step 2: Communication

During an emergency, attempt to communicate with family members using predefined methods such as text messages, phone calls, or email. Utilize social media and emergency services if direct communication fails.

Step 3: Rally Points

Head to pre-determined rally points if communication is not possible. Each family member should be aware of primary and secondary rally points in case the first option is not accessible.

Step 4: Notification

If separated, notify authorities and emergency services of missing family members. Provide detailed descriptions and last known locations to assist in the search.

Step 5: Check-in

Use emergency check-in services such as the Safe and Well website by the American Red Cross to list oneself as safe or to search for missing family members.

Step 6: Local Assistance

Seek the assistance of local emergency shelters, community centers, or religious institutions. They often have systems in place to help reunite separated family members.

Step 7: Regular Updates

Provide regular updates to family members, emergency services, and local assistance facilities. If you have relocated or found a missing family member, keep others informed of your status.

General Notes

Emergency Kit

Keep an emergency kit ready with essential items like water, food, medication, a first-aid kit, torches, batteries, and copies of personal identification. It should be easily accessible in case of an abrupt separation.


Ensure all family members carry identification and relevant medical information with them at all times during an emergency, which can aid in reunification efforts.