Creating Emergency Contact Lists

This playbook provides a structured approach to compile comprehensive emergency contact lists. It covers the inclusion of vital services and personal contacts to ensure immediate access during emergencies.

Step 1: Gather Local Services

Collect contact information for local emergency services such as the fire department, police department, and poison control.

Step 2: List Medical Facilities

Document the names, addresses, and phone numbers of nearby medical facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and urgent care centers.

Step 3: Identify Personal Contacts

Choose personal emergency contacts, including family members, friends, and neighbors who can be reached in a crisis.

Step 4: Add Utility Contacts

Include relevant utility companies' emergency contact details, such as water, gas, and electricity, in case of service disruptions.

Step 5: Provide Contact Details

Ensure each contact entry has complete information: full name, relationship (if personal contact), phone number, address, and any special instructions.

Step 6: Organize List

Organize the emergency contact list logically, starting with the most critical services that would be needed immediately in an emergency.

Step 7: Distribute and Store

Distribute copies of the emergency contact list to all household members and consider storing it in a central, easily accessible location, both physically (e.g., on a refrigerator) and digitally (e.g., shared drive or cloud service).

Step 8: Review and Update

Regularly review and update the emergency contact list to ensure all information is current and accurate, ideally every six months or when moving to a new locale.

General Notes


Consider the accessibility needs of household members when distributing the contact lists, such as providing the list in large print or in a digital format that can be read by screen readers.

Emergency Drills

Combine the emergency contact list with regular emergency drills so that everyone knows what to do and whom to call during different types of emergencies.