Family Crisis Management

This playbook provides a structured approach for family counselors to assist families in crisis. It outlines a series of steps designed to address the situation effectively and promote healing and resolution.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment to understand the nature of the crisis, its impact on each family member, and any underlying issues that may have contributed to the situation. Gather information from individual interviews and family meetings.

Step 2: Planning

Develop a crisis intervention plan that outlines the goals and strategies for therapy. Collaborate with the family to ensure the plan addresses their specific needs and goals for healing.

Step 3: Intervention

Implement the intervention strategies outlined in the plan. This may include individual therapy, family therapy sessions, and other therapeutic activities designed to build coping skills and improve family dynamics.

Step 4: Support

Provide ongoing support to each family member. This can include follow-up sessions, resources for external support, and tools to help maintain progress and manage any future crises.

Step 5: Reassessment

Continuously assess the family’s progress throughout the intervention. Make adjustments to the plan as necessary based on feedback and any new developments within the family dynamic.

Step 6: Closure

Once the family has achieved the goals of the intervention and has stabilized, prepare for the conclusion of therapy. Review the family’s journey, celebrate progress, and discuss strategies for maintaining positive change.

General Notes

Cultural Competency

Counselors should be mindful of the family's cultural background and how it may influence their perception of and reaction to the crisis. Cultural sensitivity plays a crucial role in effectively managing family crises.


Maintain confidentiality and ethical standards throughout the assessment and intervention process. Privacy is vital for building trust and ensuring open communication within the family.


Prioritize safety for all family members. If there is a threat of harm, work with appropriate agencies to ensure a safe environment for intervention.