Family Conflict Resolution Training

This playbook describes a structured approach to teaching conflict resolution skills within a family setting through role-play scenarios and counseling techniques. It outlines the steps to conduct practical role-play exercises designed to enhance communication and problem-solving among family members.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary materials for the role-play exercise, including scenario scripts, guidelines for behavior, and any props that might be needed to make the scenarios more realistic. Ensure a private, comfortable space is available without distractions where the role-play can take place.

Step 2: Introduction

Explain the purpose of the role-play exercises to the family members and how these scenarios can help them develop better conflict resolution skills. Discuss the importance of open communication, listening, and understanding each other's perspectives.

Step 3: Scenario Selection

Choose or develop role-play scenarios that are relevant to the issues the family is experiencing. Scenarios should be relatable and provoke the kind of conflicts that need resolution. Ensure scenarios vary in complexity and emotion to cover a range of situations.

Step 4: Role Assignment

Assign roles to the family members for each scenario. Roles can either reflect their actual family roles or be reversed to help them understand different perspectives. Provide each participant with a brief of their character's background and objectives within the scenario.

Step 5: Role-Playing

Begin the role-play exercise, allowing family members to act out the scenarios. Make sure they stay in character and follow the script loosely to address the key conflict points of the scenario, while naturally reacting to the other characters.

Step 6: Observation

As a counselor or facilitator, observe the family's interactions, communication styles, and strategies for conflict resolution without intervening, unless absolutely necessary for guidance or to de-escalate.

Step 7: Debrief

After the role-play, discuss the scenario with the family members. Highlight positive communication strategies used, and provide feedback on areas where conflict resolution could be improved. Allow family members to express how they felt during the role-play and what they have learned.

Step 8: Skill Building

Based on the outcomes of the role-play and debrief, work with the family to develop and practice new communication and problem-solving skills. These may include active listening, empathy, emotional regulation, and constructive criticism.

Step 9: Repeat

Continue with additional role-play scenarios, building on the skills developed in previous sessions. Repeat the process with different scenarios to reinforce learning and to ensure family members become adept at handling a variety of conflict situations.

Step 10: Continued Counseling

Combine role-play exercises with ongoing counseling sessions to address deeper issues within the family dynamic and ensure sustained improvement in conflict resolution skills.

General Notes

Safety First

Ensure a safe environment for all participants. Be prepared to intervene if the role-play triggers strong emotional responses or if the interaction escalates negatively. The safety and well-being of family members should be the top priority.


Be flexible and ready to adapt the role-play scenarios or the approach based on the family's progression and feedback. Tailor the role-play exercises to the unique dynamics and conflict issues within the family.